For this rotation, I had 2 virtual site visits with Professor Mohamed. For the first visit, each of us presented a full H&P, and for the second visit, we each presented a full H&P as well as an article. For my first visit, I presented an H&P of a woman who presented with shortness of breath and palpitations. Professor Mohamed gave me constructive feedback, emphasizing the importance of taking a more focused family history asking specifically about early incidence of heart disease or PE in the family or personal history PE, and specifically state that she denies these things in the chart. He also stressed the importance of always having PE at the top of your differential in any patient who presents with SOB, a lesson which I actually used later on in the rotation when other patients came in with vague symptoms. He also explained that even in a full H&P, I could focus my physical exam based on patient history.
For my second rotation, I presented a patient complaining of ear pain, headache, and dizziness. I focused my physical exam and he commented that it was much easier to read. i also received positive feedback on my Plan and differential diagnoses. I was advised to be more specific about positive physical exam findings, which I will definitely be more cognizant of in the future.
It was nice to have my site visits with my classmate, Christina, who also presented very interested cases, and added a lot to the discussion, helping me learn a lot more about how to write and present H&P’s, and what to include and not include.
Going forward, I will continue to incorporate what I learned to improve my focused physicals, come up with the most important, relevant, and high-yield differentials for my patients, and continue having thorough assessments and plans.